The Marquis de Rumia ° ny, Ambassador from France, presented his credentials
to the Queen Regent of Spain on the 2d. The speech: he delivered upon the occasion gave offence to the Liberals; but it is not easy to discover any sufficient cause for their displeasure. The Marquis, in well-rounded periods, congratulated her Majesty on the late successes of her arms and. the conclusion of the civil war. He dwelt upon the extraordinary interest the King of France and all Frenchmen felt in the felicity and glory of Spain, and upon the kind reception he had himself received from Espartero. The Queen's reply was full of gratitude and compliment to her august ally. All this was commonplace, but not particularly offensive.
A telegraphic despatch announces, that the Spanish Chamber of Deputies had unanimously passed the following resolutions in reference to the Fueros- " Article I. The Fueros of the Basque Provinces and of Navarre are confirmed.
"Article 2. The Government, with as little delay as possible after having heard the Basque Provinces and Navarre, will present to the Cortes a project of law relative to the modification of the Faeroe, by reconciling the interests of these provinces with those of the nation, and with the constitution of the mo- narchy. The Government is authorized to meet provisionally any difficulties which may arise, on condition of their responsibility to the Cones.'