Is Winston an Asset?
Sts.,—In regard to Mr. Wilson Harris's article under the above title, I can only say that like many thousands of others I should not vote at the coming election if Mr. Winston Churchill were not the leader of the Conservative Party. Moreover, I am firmly of opinion that the only man in any party who can perhaps /hill us out of the appalling mess we have got into is Winston Churchill. That is not only my opinion, but the opinion of the whole of Europe and the United States. If Mr. Churchill becomes Prime Minister all Western civilisation will throw up its cap, heave a.sigh of relief and begin to feel more secure than it has done since the victory of 1945, which he brought about.
There is at present only one political leader in Europe and America who has the elements of greatness in him. The rest are mere politicians. He is a statesman. We are, undeservedly I admit, most fortunate to