12 OCTOBER 1951, page 21
Echoes Of A Vanished Age
My Picture Gallery. By Lady Milner. (Murray. 2os.) THESE memoirs end with the death of Queen Victoria and the words " I had had my fun." No .reader will believe that Lady Milner......
Li. G.: Objectivity And Reticence Lloyd George. By Thomas...
C.H., LL.D. (Oxford University Press. 2 r s.) ON his title page Dr. Thomas Jones, with his usual wit and discern- ment, prints the text from the Book of Job which Lloyd George......
Across The North Sea
The Shetland Bus. By David Howarth. (Nelson. 125. 6d.) • THERE is much to be said for the contention that sailors are the only true cosmopolitans. They contemplate impartially,......