A Country Parish. By A. W. Boyd: (collins. 215.) Those
who talk to people in English villages know that there comes al moment when they say, " But then we are different from all other villages." Until this is recognised as a truth......
Splendid Occasions In English History : 1510-1947. By...
Fletcher. (Cassell. 635.) • ONE had feared that in these straitened limes no one could any longer be found to produce what the Germans call a Tisch- Buch, a " table-book," a......
Shorter Notices
Man or Matter. By Ernst Leli , (Faber. 3os.) GOETHE as a scientist has always been over- shadowed by Goethe the poet, and his pic- ture of Nature, a very bold and comprehen-......
High Victorian Design. By Nikolaus Pevsner.
(Architectural Press. 12S. 6d.) Ttus little museum of genuine = VictOrian horrors, very charmingly presented, will de- light and astonish a multitude of perusers, and especially......