The Schneider Trophy The race for the Schneider Trophy has
been reduced to a " walk-over " for a British seaplane endeavouring to beat the time record. France and Italy have shared a wretchedly stormy summer for preparation, and have also had unhappy losses of men and material. Their Air Ministries, therefore, asked for a postponement of the race until the spring, which, under the Royal Aero Club's rules for the race, is impossible. We doubt whether there is great disappointment in our Air Ministry. The late Government may have been par- simonious, anti-militarist spoil-sports, as was wildly said when the cost of our part in the race was guaranteed by a rich and generous enthusiast. (If they were par- simonious that is a virtue to-day.) But we understand that the Air Ministry consider that the special prepara- tions do not repay the cost in money or in time, and still less justify the risks of life ; and generally feel that the business has become a distraction from the serious work of His Majesty's Air Force.