[signed Articles Do Not Necessarily Represent The Views...
News Of The Week
The Country and the Crisis S O far as we can judge, the country is meeting the crisis well. There has been no sign whatever of panic ; possibly there is still more apathy than......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Cower Street,...
1.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR cogs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......
In The House Of Commons The Speaker Read A Letter
from Sir Robert Young resigning the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ways and Means. We are very glad of the publicity given to this document. Whether Sir Robert wished the......
Mr. Macdonald Described How News Of Financial Danger...
back to London and how he met his colleagues in the Cabinet and then the leaders of the other political parties. In the third week of August credits were " practically......
Parliament Parliament Reassembled On Tuesday Under...
Lord Chancellor and the Speaker. In each House a message was received from the King on " the present condition of the nation's finances." Lord Reading at once took the......