12 SEPTEMBER 1931, page 2

The Ministry Among New Appointments To The Government...

have not recorded, there are the law officers. Sir William Jowitt is reappointed as Attorney-General. It would be easy to say that lie has before now shown himself above party,......

The Austro - German Customs Union Austria And Germany...

' their project for a Customs Union. Negotiations with the French delegates at Geneva had made it clear that France would not lend Austria any more Money unless she renounced......

The Council And The Assembly Of The League The Twelfth

Assembly of the League of Nations met at Geneva on Monday, and re-elected M. Tituleseu, the Rumanian Minister in London, as President. M. Briand was able to attend, and Lord......

Mr. Henderson Spoke With Embarrassment, As He Admitted....

were long and confused, and his facts were not always accepted by Mr. MacDonald. His attitude is best illustrated by his speaking not of his own leaving the Government but of......

On Saturday The Permanent Court Of International Justice...

Hague gave its decision on the question— referred to it by the Council of the League—whether the proposed Customs Union was compatible with the Treaty of St. Germain and with......

Mr. Macdonald Described How News Of Financial Danger...

back to London and how he met his colleagues in the Cabinet and then the leaders of the other political parties. In the third week of August credits were " practically......

India The Work Of The Second Session Of The Round

Table Conference was formally begun on Monday, when the Federal Structure Committee met at St. James's Palace in an atmosphere of hopeful cordiality. From the speeches of the......