Days in Thule with Rod and Gun. By John Bickerdyke.
(Con- stable and Co., Edinburgh.)—There is some enjoyable reading to .be got from these reminiscences,—a season spent in fishing for salmon and shooting the wild coast-rabbits and the rock-pigeons of Thule. Fishermen will sympathise with the account of the conquest of that new fish, the whit() irritans, and shooters will appreciate the joys of shooting that most difficult of birds to hit, the rock-pigeon. Though John Bickerdyke is fluent and full in describing his sport
with gun, rod, and camera, his knowledge of the subject and the freshness of the style are guarantees that the most exacting reader will never find one dull page in the volume. Sportsmen of all aorta and conditions will relish these days in Thule; and those who know the Lews will revive again the memories of that fascinating land so cheerfully and naturally written for our delectation by John Bickerdyke. The illustrations proclaim the author's success with the camera.