On Tuesday Sir William Harcourt, While Moving The Usual...
giving the thanks of the House to the Speaker, and praying the Queen to show him some signal mark of her favour, laid down what was expected of a Speaker. " We expect dignity......
Yesterday Week Mr. Dalziel Proposed A Resolution In The...
of Commons for taking a second ballot whenever, at an election, the candidate who stood first on the list had not received an absolute majority of the votes recorded. In other......
The Last Act In The Drama Of The Speakership Took
place on Wednesday. At 12 o'clock the Mace entered the House and was deposited below the table, all the Members standing un- covered, and the Chair remaining vacant. The Clerk......
It Was On This Extraordinary Provision That The...
Sir Edward Clarke and Mr. Goschen chiefly turned `• On what principle," said Mr. Goschen, " are the Licensing Justices to proceed P There is to be a clean sheet, and they are to......
On Monday, After The Speaker Had Announced His Intended...
the Chancellor of the Exchequer introduced the new edition of his Local Veto Bill. Under this Bill, a requisi- tion for putting in force the popular veto on public-houses must......
On Monday The Late Speaker, Mr. Peel, Announced His...
of the Chair with the eloquence and good taste which is habitual with him. No man living knows so well how to be calm, stately, solemn, without being in the least ridiculous. He......