Yesterday Week Mr. Dalziel Proposed A Resolution In The...
of Commons for taking a second ballot whenever, at an election, the candidate who stood first on the list had not received an absolute majority of the votes recorded. In other......
The Growing Disposition Among The Tories To Believe That...
lose more than they gain by their compact with the Liberal Unionists is the worst political omen of the moment. In the first place, it is an omen of retrograde policy, which......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (24) were on Thursday, 105j.......
The Lord Chancellor Gave Notice On Monday Night, On Behalf
of the Prime Minister, that on an early date after Easter, Lord Rosebery would present a Bill to permit certain Colonial Judges to be made members of the Judicial Com- mittee of......
The Government Of France Has Been The First To Adopt
a clan for granting a State pension to aged workpeople. A scheme was adopted by the Chamber on Tuesday, under which a pension will be granted to workmen who have sub- scribed......
The Week Has Been Marked By The Extradition Of Jabez
Balfour, who started for Southampton from Buenos Ayres, on board the Tartar Prince,' on Wednesday. Up to the last moment, efforts were made to detain him, the Judge of the......
Mr. James Theobald, Formerly A Member For Essex, And A
man of wealth, married in 1867 Mabel Laura Eaton, of Cheshire. He gave her £40,000, which on her death, intestate, in 18S7, reverted to him, and was by him bequeathed to his......
The Deanery Of Ripon Has Been Conferred On The Hon.
W. H. Fremantle, Canon of Canterbury,—an ultra Broad Church- man, whose theology is as hazy and uncertain as that of the late Dean of Westminster, to say the least. We cannot......