Riveting Steyn
From His Excellency Gha.zi Algosaibi Sir: Mark Steyn (Say goodbye, Yasser Arafat', 6 April), the dismantler of sovereign nations and destabiliser of whole regions, strikes again.
I am reminded of Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski who, while serving as national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, famously declared, 'Bye bye PLO.' The PLO is still going strong, and will lead the inevitable independent Palestinian state. As for Dr Brzezinski, he is now enjoying respectable retirement, punctuated by frequent television appearances in which he appeals to all sane Israelis to talk to — you've guessed it — the PLO.
Mr Steyn is an impetuous young man and there is hope for him. In his old, and hopefully wise, age, he will realise that political science has little to do with love, hate or wishful thinking. In the meantime, his antics provide a riveting spectacle in a very grim world.
Ghazi Algosaibi
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, London WI