Unhappy Alliance
From Lord Mancroft Sir: Peter Oborne's thoughtful review (Politics, 6 April) of the battle for hunting was not entirely accurate in its every detail. It is correct that the......
Safety In Numbers
From Mr Keith Scott Sir: Australia inherited the English jury system, as portrayed by Andrew Geddes (Blind justice', 23 March). However, what concerns me as a practising......
Riveting Steyn
From His Excellency Gha.zi Algosaibi Sir: Mark Steyn (Say goodbye, Yasser Arafat', 6 April), the dismantler of sovereign nations and destabiliser of whole regions, strikes......
The Cyprus Problem
From Myrna Kleapas Sir: There is no country in the world, other than Turkey, which believes that the present status quo in Cyprus is acceptable (Roasted Turkey'. 30 March). By......
Great Restraint
From Dr Robin Daniels Sir: Having been thoroughly depressed (and rightly so) by Theodore Dalrymple and his reflections on the passing of a Britain of honour and self-discipline......
Wagnered Out
From Mr A. Malcolm Sir: Can Michael Henderson (Arts, 6 April) explain why he thinks Wagner was a greater composer than, say, Bach, Haydn, Mozart or Schubert? Is Parsifal a......