Strange Meeting
From Mr Amos Oz Sir: Concerning Paul Gottfried's article (Extremism in the defence of liberty', 6 April) about my 'interview with Ariel Sharon', I have one important thing to......
Zimbabwe's Plight
From Sir Albert Robinson Sir: Algy Cluffs article ('Time to deal with Mugabe', 30 March) suggests that Mugabe 'rightly or wrongly' has convinced himself that at Lancaster House......
Happy Bermudans
From Mr Robert Stewart Sir: I enjoyed the article by Simon Heifer on English emigration arising largely from the policies of the Blair government (`The next great exodus', 30......
Unhappy Alliance
From Lord Mancroft Sir: Peter Oborne's thoughtful review (Politics, 6 April) of the battle for hunting was not entirely accurate in its every detail. It is correct that the......