Q. In The Spectator last year (22 September) a correspondent
wrote about the 'mystery dog's-mess vigilante' of Wiltshire who spraypaints dogs' messes with fluorescent paint. Here is a further suggestion along the same lines. Carry a small can of insect spray with you on occasional search-and-destroy missions around your neighbourhood — bus stops, etc. — and spray any dog droppings you see. True, insect spray can be dangerous to children, but if they are playing near unsprayed canine faeces, their health is already at risk anyway. And flies can spread dog germs much further afield than the wind can spread pesticides. Not only will the insecticide mask the odour and kill the flies; it also turns dog-poo white, which might warn a few dog-walkers in the area that someone is monitoring their pets' activities.
T.R., by email A. Thank you for this tip.