Despatches were received at the Home Office this morning at
seven o'clock ; and Sir James Graham and Mr. Manners Sutton were shortly afterwards in attendance. Three Magistrates from Manchester and two gentlemen from Macclesfield subsequently arrived, and had inter- views with the Home Secretary. Sir James Graham and Sir Robert Peel had purposed leaving town his afternoon for the North ; but it is expected that, in consequence of the news received this morning, they will remain in town for a short ime. Sir Robert Peel visited Sir James Graham at the Home Office his morning. A Cabinet Council was held at the Foreign Office, at noon ; and it sat for two hours.
Writing at a quarter past two o'clock today, the City correspondent of the Standard says- " We have just learned that an express has reached town per railway from Manchester, with the gratifying intelligence that an arrangement has been made between the turn-outs and their employers. Part of the mills have re- sumed work this morning, and all the others will follow in succession. We understand there will be no reduction of wages, but the particulars have uot transpired."