Prices Current.
FOREIGN FUNDS. (Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Alabama (Sterling) 5 p. Ct. - Mexican 5 p. Ct. Arkansas (1863) 6 - Ditto (Deferred) 5 - Austrian......
Commercial Gazette
Tuesday, Aug. 9. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Guthrie and Co. London-Cooke and Hurley, Theobalds Road, corn-dealers- Smith and Reels. Wakefield, tallow•chaudlers-Hughlings and......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths. Births.
On the 5th July, at the Goverument-house, Prince Edward's Island. the Lady of Sir Hersey FERE HUNTLEY. Of a sun. Ou the 29th, at Mitcheldean. the Wife of the liar. W. Beacerr,......
Military Gazette.
ernes OF ORDNANCE. Aug. 6.- Royal Regt. Artillery-Brevet•Major M. Louis to be Lieut.-Col. vice Sabine. seconded ; Second Capt. W. .1. Stokes to be Capt. vice Louis First Lieut.......