Some Men End Where Other Men Begin.
IT is no uncommon sight to see a man born to riches die poor, and the son of a poor man die rich ; and men are apt to say gravely, when such a practical antithesis is mentioned,......
Architecture Is Lifting Its Head In This Country, Despite...
depressing influences of ignorance and jobbing. As yet it is but in the imitative stage ; invention is shown only in the adaptation of old features to new purposes. The......
The Theatres.
THE English Theatres still continue in the drowsy state in which they have nodded the summer through ; but managers are rubbing their eyes, and show other symptoms of waking up,......
The Chapter Of Accidents And Squabbles At The Italian Opera
is coming to a close. The sore throats and jealousies are healed, now that the season is ended. The leave-taking of Rumex, who has been exerting himself to give effect to his......