It is at length known who are the candidates for
Ipswich ; where the nomination will take place on Monday, and the poll, if there be any, on Tuesday. Mr. Gisborne and Mr. Moffatt have been canvassing the town on the Liberal side; but, says the correspondent of this morning's Chronicle, they were stopped by a singular embarrassment : bills were handed to them for breakfasts furnished on their account at the last election : they could not "in honour" refuse to pay ; yet to do so "would prejudice their seats if the matter was contested in Committee." So they retired. Mr. David Thornbury, a Liberal inhabitant, offers himself single-handed against Captain J. N. Gladstone and Mr. Saville Fox Lane, the Conservatives. Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Fox have taken the precaution to issue a notice that a Mr. W. 0. Hunt is their sole authorized agent : a new mode of trying if candidates can prevent them- selves from bribing" by their agents.