listful arts, fashiguo, trah, t4r.
Tins week trade has been dull with the wholesale houses in the City engaged in the general drapery trades. On Thursday last, the stock of the old-established firm of Castle, Jones, and Co. (formerly Castle, Luck, and Hyatt), of Love Lane, Alderman- bury, was sold by tender ; and the Iota embraced in the various depart- ments fell to different firms in the City : the discount at which the whole was sold averaged about 161 per cent. Some departments sold at but a small per centage off the stock shut price—as low as 8 per cent discount, for example.
Without reference to any special instances, it appears to be an opinion pretty generally entertained, that the desire of firms for éclat which the selling off of a stock gives, causes such a keen competition between the various tenderers, that stocks often realize more than their value when thus sold. We have been informed that a large, well-known firm made an offer for the entire stock at a discount of 18 per cent off, which has realized about 13 per cent more, from being distributed in various hands.