No. Xv. A Hoed Oh Two Efeyecyleg The "shelley Mmiorialil"
Shelley not a man to be judged by ordinary rules. Question of the attempted assassination in Wales; of morbid visions; end of Ms character for veracity. Caution against forged......
Sir. Ramey's Last Lesson.
Ma RAREY, after a retirement of some weeks' duration, gave another public exhibition on Saturday, of his system of taming savage or unsubdued horses. A very large audience......
The War In The Building Trade.
TEE master builders have carried out those measures which they projected last week with the view of frustrating the designs of the men who initiated the nine hours' movement. On......
Fact Versus Fiction.
Wno killed the wild goose at Shoeburyness the other day at a distance of upwards of six miles ? Was it- .. Longbow from Ireland ? Strongbow from Tweed 1" Our contemporary, the......