Listful Arts, Fashiguo, Trah, T4r.
Tins week trade has been dull with the wholesale houses in the City engaged in the general drapery trades. On Thursday last, the stock of the old-established firm of Castle,......
SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Parliament was prorogued today, until the 27th October, by Royal Commission, and the following speech was delivered. "My Lords and Gentlemen—We are commanded......
A Telegraphic "official Despatch" From Florence, Dated...
" the Ministers and deputies went this morning to the cathedral to implore heavenly benediction. "They were cheered at the opening of the assembly. A great number of the......
We Are Enabled To State That Lord Palmerston Has Conferred
the Deanery of Ripon, rendered vacant by the death of the Honourable and Reverend Dr. Erskine, upon the Reverend Thomas Gamier, B.C.L., Rec- tor of Trinity Church, Marylebone.......
Signor Mazzini has published a long manifesto on the state and pros- pects of Europe. He lays it down that Imperialism is the most urgent danger of Europe, and that it is a......
Money Market. Stock Exchange, Friday Afternoon.
In consequence of the augmentation in the demand for accommodation at the Bank and in the Discount Market, it was pretty generally thought that an alteration would yesterday......