In consequence of the augmentation in the demand for accommodation at the Bank and in the Discount Market, it was pretty generally thought that an alteration would yesterday have been made in the Bank minimum rate of interest ; the weekly court, nevertheless, broke up without adopting any extraordinary measure in that respect ; it is, however, highly probable from the condition of the Money Market in general, that an increase of 1 or 1 per cent will be decided upon very shortly. The present rate stands at 21 per cent. Business has been inactive throughout the entire week, and the fluctuations (with the exception of those of Tuesday, when Consols marked 95/ and 94), upon the whole, unimportant ; the English Market closing this afternoon at about per cent below the values of last week. The extreme range in Consols has been I per cent, but the chief alternations have been between 951 95t. The settling took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, when two small failures were announced. The markets have been flatter today than since the commencement of the week : this is mainly attributable to the announced Russian Three per Cent Loan of 12,000,0001., and the belief that the Indian Loan will be out early next week. Indian Debentures(1868) close 94 941; Ditto (1859), 93t 94 ; New Three per Cents and Reduced, 94 951 ; Bank Stock, 222 224, and Consols for September, 94 94. Foreign Stocks are quoted at much the same rates as last week, the absence of the general dealers causing great dearth of business. The only features worth noticing are a rise of nearly 1 per cent in Mexican, the at- tention of the public being drawn to that stock by the treaty with America ; and a fall in Turkish Stocks of about 1 per cent, the late advance inducing sales to close speculative accounts. Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 92 93; Ditto Three per Cents, 70 72; Ditto Uribarren, 79 81; Buenos Ayres, 70 72 ; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 18 19 ; Venezuela Three per Cents ; 28 29 ; Grenada Active, 17 18 ; Ditto Deferred, 5 5+; Turkish Six per Cents, 821 831 ; Ditto New, 73 74; Ditto Four per Cents guaranteed, 102 103 ; Austrian, 5 dis par ; Sardinian, 86 87; Victor Emmanuel, 90 92 ; Portuguese, 45 46; Spanish, 44 44 Chilian Six per Cents, 102 104; Ditto Three per Cents, 72 74; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 87 89; Mexican, 14 9.0t. In the Railway Share Market business has been quiet ; paces have experienced little change, and the actual transactions marked in the official list have been of a very trifling description. Preparations for the settlement of the fortnightly account, which is fixed for Tuesday next, is principally engaging the attention of the Market. The following are the latest quotations of some of the leading lines. Caledonian, 811 821; Great Northern, 100 102; London and Brighton, 109 110; Midland, 104 104.; Great Western, 59 591 ; London and South Western, 94 931; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 95 951; London and North Western, 94 943; Chester and Holyhead, 49 49i ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 351 361 ; South Eastern and Dover, 731 741 ; London and Blackwell, 65 67. The French Railway Market is steady, but with very little actual business passing ; the most of the speculators being out of town. Northern of France, 361 37 ; Paris and Lyons, 341 35 ; New Lombardo Venetian, 4 21 prem. ; Ditto the Old, 4 21. The suppression of the European Mutiny in India has bad a favourable effect upon Indian Shares, and the Market closes steady—East Indian, 99100; Great Indian Peninsula, 97 98; Ma- dras, Twenty Pound Shares, 181 194; Bombay and Baroda, 16117.
The Stock Markets are all quiet this morning, but the tendency is towards flatness. Consols are a shade lower than last night, 953. The New Russian Loan is quoted 11 prem. ; but very few and unimportant bargains have been effected. Railway Shares are without alteration.