We are glad to chronicle an improvement in the Westminster
Review since it has taken a new departure as a monthly. The August number is a very good one, the articles being readable and on a variety of subjects. An article on "John Bright and the Irish Question" is perhaps chiefly notable as a stale indictment, not by any 131081:111 finished in a literary sense ; and it is to be feared that" Irish Diet and Irish Diecontent " is amusing rather than edifying, causing one chiefly to wonder if the Irishman of today would have been a Home-ruler if he had lived on a vegetable containing a little more nitrogen and carbon than the potato. But such papers as "Young Australia," "Prince Czartoryski," and "Port Hamilton" are useful and informing, if not profound. The "Independent Section" in the Westminster is still contributed to by earnest writers, we are glad to see.