The Conductors Of Harper's Magazine Seem To Be In Danger
of for- getting their Eoglish readers. There is really nothing in the August number which is specially intended for their benefit but one of Mr. Da Maurier's pictures and a......
A Doctor-soldier's Experiences.*
A REGIMENTLI, surgeon is a non-combatant, and therefore, from a strictly professional point of view, he is not a soldier ; but as a matter of fact, if he does his duty by his......
Current Literature.
None of the more recently established magazines can be said to have better justified its existence, or to have more clearly made oat a right to longevity, than the English......
We Are Glad To Chronicle An Improvement In The Westminster
Review since it has taken a new departure as a monthly. The August number is a very good one, the articles being readable and on a variety of subjects. An article on "John......