Prince Ferdinand Has At Last Determined To Accept The...
Throne without the previous sanction of the Powers. He reached Bulgarian soil on Thursday ; and after being greeted by the Regents, who assured him that as long as he laboured......
Lord Harlington, In Returning Thanks, Defended Stoutly...
the Irish Crimes Act. He accepted full responsibility for the tardy changes introduced into the Irish Land Act after it had gone down to the House of Commons, and admitted that......
News Of The Week.
T HE Greenwich dinner to Lord Hartington yesterday week, at which Mr. Bright presided, was limited to Liberal Unionist Members of the House of Commons; but Mr. Bright's speech......
The Government Were Entertained By The Lord Mayor At The
Mansion House on Wednesday, when Lord Salisbury made a speech complimenting the Queen on tha loyalty of "the most loyal and the most powerful people on the earth ;" language......
The Irish Land Bill Was Read A Third Time In
the House of Commons on Saturday last, after several distinct battles on the question of cancelling arrears of rent in the case of farms on which the rents are to be reduced,......
Sir Henry James And Mr. Chamberlain Both Spoke, And Both
spoke as identifying themselves with Lord Harlington in the crisis of the moment. "Us," said Sir Henry James, "no threats will intimidate and no bribes allure. We can only......