There would seem to be little doubt that cotton-growing in Brazil is steadily increasing with profitable results, a cir- cumstance the more to be welcomed in view of the decline over some years in the price of coffee. Thus at the Annual Meeting last Monday of the Cambuhy Coffee and Cotton Estates Limited, the Chairman, Mr. Arthur Whitworth, stated that the good results of the past year were largely due to the very satisfactory profits of £32,745 realised from Cotton, to a profit of £3,819 realised on cattle, and to profits from the operations of the oil factory and from timber. The Company also benefited by a profit from exchange. During the last two years there had been no profit from coffee but Mr. Whitworth stated that the position has undergone a radical improvement since October due to the increase in the price of coffee at Santos as a result of the policy of the National Coffee Department in restricting entries into Santos and by their own operations in forcing up the price of coffee in order to protect the exchange position of Brazil.