Lancashire Cotton Position Holders Of Lancashire Cotton...
may be scratching their heads at the slump in the price of raw cotton, need not alarm themselves. The news from Manchester, so far from being depressing, is full of......
Wise Investment
THE best advice one can give to investors just now is : Don't rush to buy, an injunction which fortunately has a heat-wave on its side. Even a cursory glance at the Stock......
Blying Union-castle Ordinaries The Outlook For Shipping...
that I hesitate to advise readers to take profits either on Furness Withy, now 3os., or British Oil Shipping, which have risen from 9s. 6d. to 12s. 3d. since they were......
Investment Trust Preferences I Like The Look Of Most Of
the reports recently issued by the investment trusts. For the past three years the trusts have seen the capital values of their portfolios improving, but now they are reaping......
Venturers' Corner
It is unusual in these days to find the shares of any company in the steel trade quoted well below their par value, but the current price of Sheffield Steel Products ordinary is......