13 AUGUST 1937, page 26
The Anglo-american Front
Together Stand. 'By Leonard Reid. (Cassell. 5s.) THE countries which Mr. Reid prOclaimi should stand,tOgether are the United States, Great Britain and the Dominions. Their......
The Publishers Of A Key To Modern English Poetry, Which
was reviewed in The Spectator of July 3oth, are Messrs. Blackie & Son, Ltd., and not, as stated in the review, Messrs. A. & C. Black, Ltd.......
Two Counties
THE Institute of Historical Research, which now owns the Victoria County History, is to be congratulated on having reached, with its latest instalments, the hundredth volume of......
Humanity And Exactitude
Health and a Day. By Lord Horder. (Dent. 7s. 6d.) IN this book Lord Horder has assembled twelve addresses to very different audiences ; and most readers of them will probably......