British Credits to China
Last week the United States Government agreed to advance to China (the real China, of General Chiang Kai-shek's Government) roo,000,000 dollars, half for the stabilisation of the Chinese currency, half for general purposes. On Tuesday Mr. Butler announced that the Brash Government is offering similar help by advancing £5,000,000 for the stabilisation fund and £5,000,000 for purchases in any part of the sterling area. Such is the response of America and Britain to the " treaty " between Japan and the puppet Government of Wang Ching-Wei. The strengthening of China's currency and the granting of credits for purchases abroad will promote exchanges of goods essential to China and helpful to the western countries. China has now a highway open to the north for the transit of goods to and from Siberia, and the reopened Burma Road to the south ; the latter, improved during the three months in which it was closed, is now regarded as reasonably safe from Japanese. air attack. Japan is as far as ever from winning the war, and has gone out of her way to antagonise the United States and Great Britain, who have now learnt the lesson that their right policy is to give the utmost financial and material help to the country that is so courageously and obstinately standing up to the invader.