Sra,—in Your Issue Of September 6th You Stated In Your
Editorial Notes that you believed that a grand-scale military offensive on the Continent of Europe against Germany would be a profound mistake and that our proper policy was to......
Sta,—the View Of The Editor Of The Nineteenth Century Quoted
in your article "After Victory" must indeed be shared by many others. Lord Cecil is and always has been an exponent of idealism and wish- ful thinking. I can recall his visit to......
Letters To The Editor
[In view of the paper shortage it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they......
"false As A Bulletin ! "
Six,—Those who are familiar with Carlyle's Hero Worship may remember that in the last chapter, devoted to "The Hero as King," there is striking evidence that the enemy's......
Recognise Ethiopia
Snt,—I note the Editor of The Spectator says, with regard to our campaign in the Middle East, that "it is to be hoped that everything possible is being done to encourage revolt......