13 DECEMBER 1940, page 2

British Credits To China

Last week the United States Government agreed to advance to China (the real China, of General Chiang Kai-shek's Government) roo,000,000 dollars, half for the stabilisation of......

News Of The Week

I TALY continues to receive heavy blows in all quarters. The capture of Sidi Barrani, with a large number of prisoners in addition to the 6,000 already reported, and an......

Bulgaria And Turkey

The inner meaning of recent Bulgarian overtures to Turkey is obscure, and Turkey has not been greatly impressed. What would Bulgaria be in a position to offer if Turkey should......

Peace With Hitler ?

Foreign opinion has been impressed, as Mr. Attlee antici- pated, by a debate in the House of Commons in which mem- bers were allowed to argue the case for calling a conference......

Japan's Foreign Policy

Mr. Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, made several statements at a conference with foreign Press correspondents last Monday, which, though guarded, were not reassuring.......

Mr. Hoover And Hungry Europe

There will be the greatest sympathy in this country with the humanitarian desire of the American "National Com- mittee for the Five Small Democracies," presided over by Mr.......