13 JANUARY 1912, Page 15


ITO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Surely Signor Villari, in his letter which appeared in your issue of December 30th, 1911, rather over-estimates the Italian approval of this war. A well-known Italian silk manufacturer and Free Trader wrote to me a few weeks ago (speaking of his own and his much respected family's opinion) : " Noi non siamo affatto per Tripoli e crediamo ohs 1' Italia aveva tante altre cose migliori da fare. Speriamo ohs la guerra finisca, presto." I cannot think that my friend is so completely alone in this respect, and in any case his letter shows that the words " every one " used by Signor Villari is excessive.—I am, Sir, Sco., Beccles.