13 JANUARY 1912, page 19


THE POETICS OF ARISTOTLE.* THE Poetics of Aristotle is undoubtedly, as Sir J. Sandys has, observed, a work which was "without a rival in Greek litera- ture as a model of......


MR. ROGER FRY'S PICTURES. Tina prophet of the Post-Impressionists has been putting hiss theories into practice, and the results are now to be seen at the Alpine Club Gallery.......


A BIG BOY'S LULLABY. FAIRIES and shadows all have had their day, The tender glamour of " good-night" is past, You shut the door— as men do—when you pray, In grief or joy you......

The Bird Sanctuary. Pro Trh Editor Of The " Stidctator."]

SIR,—The cold snap suggests my asking your kind permission to re- mind your readers that during bard weather wefeed the birds in the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary. For this......

"under Way."

[To THE EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR."] think I am entitled. to reply that your correspondents offer no evidence, but merely advance opinions. I do not think that such phrases as "......

The Rev. C. E. Mackenzie Wishes To Inform The Unknown

donor Who sends him the Spectator that his address is now United Free Manse, Poyntzfield, near Invergordon.......

[to The Editor Of Trh " Sfectatoil"] Sir, — Curiously...

correct use of the expressions "under way" and "under weigh" quite frequently comes up for discussion amongst seamen. My experience, however, is that a very little reflection......

Ivotice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......