[To THE EDITOR OF TRH " SFECTATOIL"] SIR, — Curiously enough, the
correct use of the expressions "under way" and "under weigh" quite frequently comes up for discussion amongst seamen. My experience, however, is that a very little reflection determines the matter as follows : (1) A ship with her anchor clear of the ground, whether moving or not is said to be "under way." (2) In carrying out the operation of "weighing" the officer in charge of the fore- castle, when he sees by the behaviour of the cable that the anchor has broken out of the ground, reports to the navigating bridge, " Anchor's away, Sir." (3) There is undoubtedly a possible ambiguity here, for an anchor hanging " up and down" clear of the ground may also be described, quite correctly, as being " a-weigh." But the overwhelming con- sensus of opinion amongst experienced sailors is as described