The " Naval Base" Fallacy.
[To TDB EDITOR. or TED "SrEcrAton."3 Six, — Public discussion of the state of international relations existing during a great part of last summer has taught us one or two things......
CHANGES IN ADMIRALTY ORGANIZATION. [To TIM EDITOtt OP TIII " SPECTATOB:1 Sirs,—Memoranda issued on Monday last by the First Lord of the Admiralty contain details of changes......
German Expansion.
[TO TEl EDITOR OF TEl "Srecutoa."] Six, — I must commend you on your very able and sensible article on Professor Caldecott's suggestion that Great Britain should hand over a......
Letters To The Editor.
THE NAVAL WAR STAFF. [To TEl EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."] Sin, — It may be well to warn your readers not to place too much faith in the latest Admiralty Memorandum. The words "......