The full text of the Memorandum issued by the First
Lord of the Admiralty announcing the immediate formation of a Naval War Stall was published in Monday's papers. By way of explaining the changes involved in the new scheme Mr. Churchill dwells at length on the special features which dis- tinguish naval from military problems. The Naval War Staff is to be "a brain far more comprehensive than that of any single man, however gifted, . . . applied continuously to the scientific and speculative study of naval strategy and prepara- tion. It is to be an instrument capable of formulating any decision which has been taken, or may be taken by the Executive, in terms of precise and exhaustive details." The elements of a War Staff have long been in existence, but will now be combined into an harmonious and effective organiza- tion. There will he no change in the constitution of the Board of Admiralty, under whose general authority the War Staff will be placed.