[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—May I cordially support
the proposal for the erection of a Memorial to the late Walter H. Page, either in West- minster Abbey if that be possible, if not elsewhere. For long I have cherished the work of the late Ambassador for the United States to this country, but only since I have read his life have I appreciated the debt we owe to him. It is not too much to say that his vision and good will prevented the calamity of a conflict between this country and the United States in those critical years 1915-17, a calamity which would have involved the future of the whole civilized world. —I am, Sir, very truly yours, Glimmer BARLINO,
(Sir Gilbert Boding, C.B.E., M.B., F.R.C.S.). Blythe Court, Norfolk Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
We have also received letters from the following among others :— Miss Emily Beales, 11 Dane Road, St. Leonard's-on-Sea,
Mr. Arthur Blanden, 70 Mill Hill Road, Norwich.
Mr. David Burns, Birch Lodge, Copse Hill, Wimbledon. Sir George Chamberlin, D.L., J.P., St. Catherine's Close, Norwich.
Mr. Robert M. Collins, 24 Old Jewry.
Mr. Fleming Crooks, 72 South Audley Street.
Mabel Lady Crossley, Gknfield, Altrincham.
Dr. T. F. Dewar, C.B., 4 Osborne Terrace, Edinburgh.
Mr. C. H. Everard, Newlands, East Grinstead.
Mr. G. H. Hallam, Ortygia, Lower Road, Harrow. Rev. Edward Hanson, St. Michael's Vicarage, Blackburn.
Mr. Joshua Judge, Princess Street, Shrewsbury.
Mr. Charles Lawrence, Brook's, St. James's Street.
Mr. T. M`Gowan, 71 Ann Street, Belfast.
Mr. Charles Miller, 1 Talbot Square, Hyde Park.
Captain M. Nickalls, The Fields, Southam, Rugby.
Mr. Fredk. E. Potter, Imperial House, Kingsway. Mr. Robt. E. Riddick.
Mr. Chas. T. K. Roberts, Fairhill, Exeter.
Mr. Fredk. Wrench, Killacoona, Hythe, Kent.