More Men Of Mark. By Alvin Langdon. Coburn. (duckworth And
Co. 25s. net.) The present volume is a successor to- the Men of Mark published in 1013, and shows the same delightful ability in Mr. Coburn as a photographer. It consists of......
Opera. (18 Adam Street, Adeiphi, W.c. 2. 4d.)
This new monthly magazine, dealing with opera and operatic production, helps to refute the legend that opera has no place in modern English life. Mr. Robert Radford and other......
Doctors' Commons And The Old Court Of Admiralty : A
Short History of the Civilians in England. By William Senior. (Longmans. 6s. net.) It was as exponents of a common law of nations that the Civilians as an organized profession......
The Burlington Magazine.
A long and scholarly article by Mr. C. Hofstede de Groot on " Jan van Goy en" and his followers is the principal feature of the January issue. Mr. de Groot's paper is profusely......
Bibliographical Survey Of Contemporary Sources For The...
HISTORY OF THE WAR. By M. E. Bulkley. (Claren- don Press. 10s. 6d. net.) This is one of the innumerable volumes which the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is devoting......
Some Of The Most Valuable Of Our Historical Materials Come
from the monastic chronicles, and in this manual the Lambeth librarian gives a short account of the more important chronicles, from Bede to the School of St. Albans. In......
Finance—public & Private.
By ARTHUR W. KIDDY. AN ABNORMAL SITUATION. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It is too early to determine the precise effect likely' to be produced upon the Stock Markets......
We can heartily commend the first number of this new review, edited by Dr. Albert Peel. It is scholarly and tolerant in temper, and the articles range over a wide field. Some......
The Hibbert Journal.
Professor J. S. Mackenzie exhibits his power of dealing with fundamental problems in a piquant article on " The Idea of Creation." lie employs the dialogue form to good purpose......