Amor Loquitur.
I. 0 let me live where Beauty reigns With such enchanting sway That, if to smile on me she deigns, Enchanted - I will stay. But if she looks askance at me And leaves me in......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—As a constant reader, will you allow me to express my sympathy with Mr. Ward's impulse to " write to the Spectator about it " when he reads a poem by Miss Edith Sitwell or......
A Correction.
[To the Editor of the SrEerATort.] Sin,—Your issue of March 9th, 1912, contained, under the heading of " Damnation of Infants," a letter quoting from " Father Furness (S.J.) " a......
"laughing Elf."
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Is it too late to remedy an injustice unintentionally done to Mr. Ronald Macdonald's Laughing Elf in your Literary Supplement of December......
Obscure Poetry.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Without pretending to be a professional poet, I have read, in your number of December 30th, 1922, and with much interest, Miss Edith......