13 JANUARY 1923, Page 29

OPERA. (18 Adam Street, Adeiphi, W.C. 2. 4d.)

This new monthly magazine, dealing with opera and operatic production, helps to refute the legend that opera has no place in modern English life. Mr. Robert Radford and other prominent members of the British National Opera Company contribute articles to the first number. Though Opera enthusiastically supports the company that is giving such sound, if occasionally uninspired, performances at Covent Garden, its aim is not parochial : musical affairs in Europe and America are also recorded. Opera is attrac- tively produced and should be welcomed by all music lovers, for it is essentially a popular magazine. Such a periodical should have an added interest now that operatic performances have been made accessible by wireless. This week, for the first time, an opera was " listened in "—and the choice of The Magic Flute for the occasion was fortunate.