[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—For some weeks now I have been expecting to see in the Spectator a letter from a more ready writer than I am thanking you for your treatment of those who like myself paid a year's subscription at the old rate of 9d.
When the price was first increased from 6d. to 9d. I had then also paid a year's subscription at the 6d. rate. Of course I expected the Spectator to implement its contract and supply the paper at 6d. till the expiry of the period ; this was done. Last autumn, when the reduction in price was announced, I was fully prepared for the contract to be literally carried out again and not to receive any rebate. Instead of that you have, quite ex gratia I consider, granted to such as myself a rebate for the portion of the year's subscription which had still to run when the reduction was announced.
I hope you will see your way to publish this letter as I think such consideration for subscribers should be recorded ; generations hence it will be an index of the business traditions of the Spectator.-1 am, Sir, &c., REBATE.