We record with great pleasure the fact that the King
has presented to the British Empire Exhibition, which will open at Wembley next year, twenty-nine carved Indian screen panels. They were a feature of the Kash- mir Camp at the King's Coronation Durbar and were given to His Majesty by the Maharajah of Kashmir. We sincerely trust that the King's good example may be followed by his subjects. The Exhibition may be mainly a stocktaking of the resources of the Empire, but that stocktaking will be all the better if it is inspired by the sense of beauty in the Arts. We hope that in every department there will be loans of really beautiful things, There will not be room for third-rate or seconct-rate examples, but ever and again to soothe the vision of the visitor fatigued with products of utility must rise some real object of beauty that will invigorate the mind.