Boundaries in Europe and the Near East. By Sir Thomas
Holdich. (Macmillan and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—Sir Thomas Holdich has reprinted in this interesting volume some lectures on the chief boundary problems which have to be settled as the result of this war. His point of view is that of the geographer ; but he has borne in mind " two main principles—firstly, of harmonizing results with the will of the people concerned, and, secondly, of the acquisition of strong scientific results." Sir Thomas Holdich's conclusions will not commend themselves to every one, but his lectures are useful and suggestive. We are a little surprised, in the chapter on Poland, to find him expressing a doubt whether Henry of Valois, who pru- dently ran away from his Polish throne, ever returned to France. Can it then have been his double who reigned for some fourteen years and was stabbed by the mad friar, Clement, in his tent outside Paris in 1589' ?