GWYNETH OF THE WELSH HILLS.t " MERE is a wonderful bond between people of Welsh blood," observes the author of this curious novel. " They may rend each other in pieces, but let......
" Perfect Eloquence."
THE number and diversity of the theories which have been advanced as to Shakespeare's Sonnets, and the distinction and perfect dis- agreement of the scholars who have evolved......
Readable Novels.—the Double Traitor. By E. Phillips...
and Stoughton. 6s.)—A most exciting story which deals with the efforts of a young diplomatist in disgrace to expose the Machinations of a German spy in the summer of 1914.—......
An American Statesman.+
Two volumes have now been issued of the collected addresses and State papers of Mr. Elihu Root. His is a name dear to English. men for his undeviating sympathy with the Allied......
Japanese Memories.•
Miss HOWARD has had unique opportunities of seeing Japanese life from the inside. In 1900 she went to Japan to act as " Home Instructor " to the five sons, ranging from six to......