13 JULY 1918, page 17
General Foch At The Marne. By Charles Le Goffic. Translated
by Lucy Menzies. (Dent. 4s. 6d. net.)—This is a highly interesting account of the fighting in and near the marshes of St. Gond during the battle of the Marne. It is not a......
Tropic Daye. By E. J. Bonfield. (t. Fisher Unwin. 165.
net.) In this book Mr. Bonfield continues his record of life " on the smooth beaches and in the silent bush " of his island off the coast of North Queensland, a record begun in......
Messrs. Stanford Have Published An Excellent Map Of...
Schleswig-Holstein (2s. 6d.) to illustrate the battle of Jutland. The courses of the Fleets during the action are clearly marked in red.......