Problems of Reconstruction. With an Introduction by Lord Crewe. (T.
Fisher Unwin. 8e. 6d. net. )—This volume contains the addresses delivered at the summer meeting at the Hampstead Garden Suburb last August. Among the more suggestive of them are Dr. Lyttel- ties paper on " Religion in Education " ; Dr Kimmins's paper
on "The Liberty of the Child in Education," with its friendly estimate of the Montessori system ; the valuable addresses of Sir A. D. Hall on " Agriculture : the Problem of Reconstruction," and of Mr. Betham on " Rural Housing " ; and, in general, the various addresses by well-known artists on " Arts and Crafts." We hope that Mr. Halsey Ricardo is right in thinking that " the training in the munition shops, the familiarity with the latest refinements of machinery, the demand for intense accuracy, for intense observation, for creative criticism, the serious purpose of the output—for life and death depend on its perfect truth—will . . . create a tradition of craftsmanship that shall apply not only to the production of destructive objects but to the homelier necessary articles of life." After four years of war the number of skilled mechanics of both sexes, apart from machine-minders, must be far greater than ever before, and their acquired skill will be a precious asset when peace returns.