The War of Chupas. By Pedro de Cieza de Leon.
Translated by Sir Clements Markham. (Hakluyt Society.)—The late Sir Clements Markham in the closing years of his long life translated and edited with his accustomed care this new volume of the six- teenth-century history of Peru, the first volume of which he trans- lated for the Hakluyt Society in 1864. The land of the 'noes was always his favourite subject ; he mentions in the Preface that " it was in June, 1847, when I was at a ball in the President's Palace at Lima, that I first began to inquire into the exact locality of Pizarro's house." This section of the Spanish chronicle is of much interest, as it describes the civil war between the followers of Pizarro and those of his former friend Almagro, the murder of Pizarro, and the final suppression of the rebels, led by Almagro's half-caste eon, at the battle of Chupas in 1542. The book was not known to Prescott, as the MS. was discovered only a few years ago.