In his speech on Independence Day President Wilson emphasized in
particular four points which must be conceded -before there can` be peace : (1) The destruction, or reduction to virtual impotence, ofnevery arbitrary Power that can separately, secretly, and of its single choice disturb the peace of the world. (This means no peace with:-the Hohenzollern *Wormy.) (2) >Thfetsettlement of every --question, not on the bask* material interest,;but through the free acceptance of that settlement by the peopleimmediately concerned. (3) The consent of all nations to regard promises and covenants as sacred. (4) The establishment of an organization of peace whereby the combined power of free nations will check every invasion of right. There would be -a definite tribunal of opinion to.wbich all must submit,-and- by_which .everyintemational readjustment that cannot be .amicably agreed- uporeshall be .sanctioned.. As:regards what PresidentlVileon describes as an " organization of peace" we have written- our opinions elsewhere. As we see the matter, the simpler the. nature of. the.agreement among nation; the-less room there will be for intrigue, and the more likelihood there will -be of maintaining that agreement.