The recommendation of the House of Commons Committee on the
Enemy Alien question -were published in the papers of Tuesday. The chief recommendations areas follows : that -every male-enemy alien over eighteen years of age shall be interned forthwith, unless there be definite national or medical reason for exemption, the de- finite reason-to be clearly stated by the central controlling authority ; that enemy alien women, except those whose husbands have been exempted, shall as far as practicable be repatriated -(internment may be regarded as an alternative, but justice and humanity may dictate exemption...from both courses); that all certificates of natural- ization granted to enemy aliens since January 1st, 1914 (the date of -the German law by which naturalization in a foreign country does-not deprive a.german of his German nationality), shall be can- celled unless there are national reasons to the contrary ; -that in the ease of naturalization effected before 1914 any responsible person or persons may question the loyalty or goodwill of the holder of a certificate, and the central controlling authority may if necessary cancel the certificate after proper inquiry ; that certificates of neutrals issued since August 1st, 1914, shall be reviewed ; and that enemy businesses shall be wound up within three months and enemy banks as soon as possible.