THE City of London is British Telecom's best market. It is not, though, the best place to buy a telephone. Mine is giving way under the maltreatment of years, and I cranked up its remaining strength to tele- phone Telecom and ask where in the City I could buy a successor. A courteous lady told me that there was a shop near London Bridge Station. Thank you, I said, but where in the City? Putting it another way, where in the postal districts EC I, 2, 3 or 4? The lady, no less courteous, was flum- moxed. She thought there might be some- where in Drury Lane, which is not in the City, either. A search through Telecom's Yellow Pages directory seems to bear her out. I found a helpful section on singing telegrams (Naughty Nurses – French Maids – Funny Fatties – Guys – Personal Deliv- ery) but I could find no telephone shop in the City — Telecom's, or indeed anybody else's.